Friday, July 15, 2016

Spongebob - Seahorse Radish

Seahorse Radish is a condiment that was first shown in the episode, "Nasty Patty."
The color of the bottle is tannish-green with a seahorse that is colored dark gray and is on a dark green background that is also outlined with dark brown.
SpongeBob stated it was 'the gnarliest stuff in the ocean.' It was put on the Nasty Patty when the Health Inspector came for an inspection on the Krusty Krab, because Mr. Krabs thought it was the fake Health Inspector only looking for free food. It also appeared in the video game "Employee of the Month," as SpongeBob saying: "Seahorse radish, kinda seahorsey." It also may be noted as the Krabby Patty Secret Formula. It was also mentioned by Squidward in the episode "Band Geeks" as Horseradish.

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